Visions & Values
Our Vision is to demonstrate that Jesus offers hope for today and hope for tomorrow because His love changes everything!
We are part of the Christ Central Churches.
Below are our core values as a church.
Glorify Jesus in all we do
We want to demonstrate that God is so wonderful and beautiful and captivating that He has stolen our hearts. We aim to do everything for Him and through Him for His glory. His love changes everything.
Generously Serve our Community
We want to be a church that recognises in order to demonstrate God’s love we must do so practically, physically, as well as spiritually. We need to be careful not to slip in to a church of good works but in grace and love we will serve and lay down our lives for others. We will always be giving to those in need in the community. We have links with charities who serve others as well and are working towards establishing our own projects as we grow.
Be Real and Genuine
We want to create a culture of honesty about how we are doing and what our struggles are. We regularly share testimony of what God is doing to build each other up. We encourage one another. We aim to create open and accountable relationships with each other where we can openly declare what we are struggling with and wrestle through that with others. We disciple one another and pray for the work of the Spirit to change us.
Be a Church for
the Broken
We are all sinners and we must show grace and forgiveness. We are kind and compassionate to one another.
We want our church family to live life’s worthy of the calling they received, to follow Jesus. We want to equip them for the works of service and to make our family become mature in the fullness of Christ. This will create unity so that we all build each other up in love as each part of the body of Christ does its work. We want to help each other put off the old self and be made new by evaluating the attitude of our minds and put on the new self which was created to be like God. We work together to prevent the devil getting a foothold.
Be a family
We are family through Christ. We seek reconciliation and love each other. We are committed to being a church with transforming discipleship. This means we look to encourage the church to form relationships with each other where we are real and genuine, where we can be open, and where we pray together and for one another and care for each other as family does.
We also are a family friendly church. We want families to feel welcome and for children and parents to be invested in. We don’t want our children to feel separate to the life of the church but a part of it. The kids work looks at the same topic as the grown ups each week so families can discuss it further at home together.
On a Mission
We are a Church on a Mission. Our call is to make disciples and we seek to be outward looking. We believe we should make disciples wherever we go, whatever we are doing.
As a commitment to this we do a monthly outreach activity as part of Sunday mornings on the last Sunday of the month.
Have a Listen
Check us out by listening to our sermons online.